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I hope this helps you get a basic idea of how all this *gestures vaguely to the digital room in the digital building that we're talking in* is made and what to do to build your own.

before we get into it I want to say you dont actually have to build your own website from scratch. In fact, you can have a really bitchin website on neocities without knowing any computer skills outside copy and paste I would actually argue thats the best way to begin your journey of building a website if you're like me and had no prior coding knowledge. there are alot (I mean like, ALOT) of people who make neocities layouts that you can use. Most are free but some do ask that you give them credit or a tip if you're able so be sure to be courteous and read all their instructions. I wouldn't be capable of making my own website if my wonderful friend chrissy(link here) didn't post a template code she made (link here).

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!