greetings and welcome to my digital junk drawer! I'm adra and I hope you find what you're rummaging for
I'm cooler on a computer


blog here

words picked fresh every once and a while

live chat


(under construction)

are you curious on how to make your own website? how about government programs you might qualify for? how to buy refurbished technology? or how to use the resources at your local library? find it all on my learning page


(not like 'we are not worthy' but more of a digital magazine and my opinions)

(under construction)

feel free to leave a comment in the live chat! it's not 100% interactive but I do check it and reply.

recent updates

LATEST UPDATE 2/22: NEW LAYOUTTTT :3 working hard on learning page!!! (shrines are gonna be something fun for me so I'm gonna take my time with that but look forward to it). I hope the learning page is a helpful resource for webbuilding for you guys - sorry it's taking so long but hopefully the rollout is smooth because I've been preparing ALOT.
I'm not a professional anything I just like trying new things and talking shit. this is my forever work-in-progress. I have a manifesto you can read here if you want to know my reasonings for making a website and my general thoughts on social media as a whole. enjoy your stay in my digital house

click the words to learn more about the webmaster

and click reset to make the words go away lol
urlmeshi? whats that?
about me

you can refer to me as urlmeshi (u-r-l-meshi) but honestly say it in your head however you want to, it doesnt matter. this username is a play on the protagonist from yu yu hakushos surname + website url. some people ask me what it means and theres no actual meaning, I just think Yusuke is badass and url sounds 'new millennium' ish.

I have a sagittarius rising, libra sun, leo moon, virgo mercury, and scorpio venus and mars. lowkey I don't believe in mbti but if we're going off my first result then I'm an intp-t. These are all the 'personality' things I know about myself but if I discover more then it'll be added here.

we're probably familiar from twitter but if not my name is adra! I'm a 26 year old (born in 1997) black american and amateur webmaster. she/her pronouns preferred but I don't mind they/them (insert the 'i'm lowkey nonbinary but I got a job so irdgaf about that rn' tweet). my interests are varied and will be explored more on my shrines page or in blog posts. if you ever have any questions, wanna report broken links, or need to get in touch with me for anything else emailing me is better way to reach me than the chatbox or dm'ing on twitter as I don't have notifications turned on for either (I check everything almost daily though - I'm not that busy or unreachable, lol)
